Special Fielder Skills
Blue skills (in black text here) are generally beneficial while red skills are detrimental. Skills that are half-blue and half-red can be beneficial or detrimental depending on the situation. Gold skills are rare and more powerful versions of other skills. Green skills are skills that affect their AI when being controlled by COMs and will be in the COM Skills tab.
「アウトコースヒッター」(Out-course Hitter)
When hitting an outside pitch, the ball’s velocity increases.
「インコースヒッター」(In-course Hitter)
Increases ball velocity when you hit an inside pitch.
「アベレージヒッター」(Average Hitter)
Makes it easier to hit the ball when using a contact swing.
「威圧感」(Intimidation - Fielder ver.)
Decreases the opponent pitcher's ball speed and control while also increasing their stamina consumption. It also applies to the person who bats before this player although to a lesser extent.
Increases your Power in certain situations. Activates if it is the 5th inning and you have not scored, or if you are tied/losing in the 7th inning and have a chance at tying/winning.
If you are losing after the 7th inning and there are either no runners on base or runners in Scoring Position (on second or third base), it is easier to hit Contact swings.
「お祭り男」(Festive Man)
A man whose passion burns intensely in special matches.
When this batter is on base, the pitcher’s stamina consumption increases and their in-field defense decreases. This effect stacks up to three times (when the bases are loaded and each runner has this skill).
「国際大会〇」(International Tournament O)
When participating in an International Tournament, your Contact increases.
increases and their in-field defense decreases. This effect stacks up to three times (when the bases are loaded and each runner has this skill).
「固め打ち」(Reinforced Hitting)
If you hit 2 or more times, your Contact and Power increases for the next hit.
「カット打ち」(Cut Hitter)
If you have 2 strikes, it is easier to get foul balls.
When losing after the 7th inning, your Contact and Power increase.
「広角打法」(Wide Angle Batting)
When hitting the ball to the opposite field (right-handed batter hitting to left field and vice-versa), the ball’s velocity does not decrease easily.
「高速チャージ」(Fast Charging)
You can quickly catch up to the ball after you bunt.
「国際大会〇」(International Tournament O)
When participating in an International Tournament, your Contact increases.
「サヨナラ男」(Walk-off Man)
If you are in a walk-off situation (home team takes the lead during the ninth or later innings), and a runner is in Scoring Position (second or third base), Contact or Power increases.
「守備職人」(Defense Specialist)
This player will display a variety of defensive maneuvers. Their throwing and running speed increases on defense and helps resist Double Play breaks.
「初球〇」(First Ball)
Your Contact and Power increases before you get 1 strike.
「対エース〇」(Versus Ace)
When facing an ace-class pitcher, your Contact and Power increases.
「代打〇」(Pinch Hitter)
When entering as a Pinch Hitter, your Contact and Power increases.
「対変化球〇」(Versus Breaking Balls)
Increases the ball’s velocity when you hit a breaking ball.
Power increases if you are leading by 4 points after 7 innings.
「チャンスメーカー」(Chance Maker)
When there are no runners on base, your Contact and Power increases.
「内野安打〇」(In-field Hitter)
Your running speed increases from when you hit the ball until you reach first base.
「流し打ち」(Opposite Field Hitter)
When hitting to the opposite side of the field, it is less likely to be a foul.
「粘り打ち」(Persistent Hitter)
If you are at two strikes, your Contact increases.
「ハイボールヒッター」(Highball Hitter)
When you hit a high ball, the ball’s velocity will increase.
「パワーヒッター」(Power Hitter)
When using a power swing, it is easier to hit homeruns.
When bunting, the ball’s velocity decreases and it is easier for the ball to be grounded.
「バント職人」(Bunt Specialist)
When bunting, the ball’s velocity decreases greatly and it is easier for the ball to be grounded.
「プルヒッター」(Pull Hitter)
When you pull the ball when you hit (i.e. right-handed batter hits to the left field vice-versa), the ball will fly stronger and farther.
「プレッシャーラン」(Pressure Run)
When a Double Play is about to happen, you can slide to second base. May also cause the fielder’s throw to be off.
During close plays, this runner will slide head-first onto base.
「ホーム死守」(Home Plate’s Last Defense)
When you are the catcher, you are likely to shut down home-base attacks.
「ホーム突入」(Home Invasion)
When this runner is on base, there is a chance that the Catcher will drop the ball during Close Play (when a runner is running towards home base and the ball is approaching as well).
「満塁男」(Bases Loaded)
When the bases are loaded, either your Contact or Power increases.
「ムード〇」(Mood O)
If there is more Mood O than Mood X on the team, the Contact and Power of the whole team increases.
「ラインドライブ」(Line Drive)
When hard swinging, it is easier to hit a line drive (a fast ball with a low trajectory).
When throwing the ball during defense, the ball moves faster and at a lower trajectory.
「ローボールヒッター」(Low-ball Hitter)
Increases the ball's velocity when you hit a low-ball pitch.
As the strike count increases, the batting ability increases.
「決勝打」(Game-winning Hit)
If after the 6th inning, there is a runner on third base, batting ability increases.
「対ストレート◯」 (Versus Straights)
Strong against straight pitches (not including special straights such as the two-seam).
Hitting homeruns increases one's Power.
If you were held back (debuffed?) when you were previously batting, the next time you bat, your batting ability will increase.
「悪球打ち」(Bad Ball Batting)
Even if the ball is out of the strike zone, you may make contact with it.
Increases the chance of error if there is an opponent runner in Scoring Position (on second or third base)
「国際大会×」(International Tournament X)
When participating in an International Tournament, your Power decreases and your Trajectory decreases.
Your Contact decreases when you have 2 strikes (cancelled when it is Full Count).
「併殺」(Double Play)
More likely to ground into a Double Play. When there is a runner on first place and less than two outs, the batter's more likely to hit a weak grounder (where they bat and hit the ball towards the ground).
「ムード×」(Mood X)
If there is more Mood X than Mood O on the team, the Contact and Power of the whole team decreases.
「扇風機」(Spinning Fan)
Your Contact decreases when you have 2 strikes (cancelled when it is Full Count).
Home runs are easier to hit when power hitting.
「安打製造機」(Hitting Machine)
When using Contact swings, it’s much easier to hit the ball.
「一球入魂」(One Ball Soul)
Until you have 1 strike, your Contact and Power drastically increases.
When facing an Ace pitcher, your Contact and Power drastically increases.
「大番狂わせ」(Stunningly Unpredictable)
In certain situations, your Power will increase to S rank (does not affect those with S rank Power). Activates if it is the 5th inning and you have not scored, or if you are tied/losing in the 7th inning and have a chance at tying/winning.
「外角必打」(Out-course Slugger)
When hitting an outside pitch, the ball’s speed will increase dramatically.
「火事場の馬鹿力」(Stubborn Burning Strength)
If you are losing after the 7th inning, your Contact and Power increases dramatically.
「気迫ヘッド」("Mettle" Head)
Your timing when head-sliding into bases is impeccable.
「球界の頭脳」(Brain of the Baseball World)
For Catchers. Pitcher’s Control increases and Stamina consumption decrease. When the Pitcher’s Condition is poor, increases the Pitcher's Ball Speed.
「恐怖の満塁男」(Bases Loaded with Terror)
When the bases are loaded, Contact and Power increases dramatically.
「切り込み隊長」(Raid Commander)
When no one is on base, your Contact and Power increases dramatically.
「芸術的流し打ち」(Opposite Field Artist)
It's really easy to hit to the opposite field.
「広角砲」(Wide-angle Cannon)
When hitting the ball to the opposite field, the ball’s speed does not drop easily.
「高球必打」(High-ball Slugger)
When hitting a high ball, the ball’s speed will increase dramatically.
「高速ベースラン」(High-speed Base Running)
Running power increases greatly when running bases.
「高速レーザー」(High-speed Laser)
When throwing the ball, the ball moves very quickly at a low trajectory.
「ささやき戦術」(Whisper Tactics)
Catcher only. If there is a runner in Scoring Position, the batter’s Contact and Power decreases.
「左腕キラー」(Left-hand Killer)
When facing a left-handed pitcher, your Contact and Power increases dramatically.
「重戦車」(Heavy Tank)
When this runner is on base, there is a chance that the Catcher will drop the ball during Close Play (when a runner is running towards home base and the ball is approaching as well).
When there is a runner in Scoring Position, your Contact and Power increases dramatically.
「ストライク送球」(Strike-out Throw)
When throwing to the bases, your ball does not deviate much.
「精神的支柱」(Spiritual Support)
When you are on the bench, batters’ Contact and Power increases dramatically. Pitchers’ Control increases.
「代打の神様」(Pinch-hitting God)
When pinch-hitting, your Contact and Power increases dramatically.
「低球必打」(Low-ball Slugger)
When hitting a low ball, the ball’s speed will increase dramatically.
「鉄の壁」(Iron Wall)
Catcher only. The probability of「重戦車」(Heavy Tank) and「ホーム突入」(Home Invasion) becomes 25%
「電光石火」(Lightning Speed)
Running power increases greatly when stealing bases. Decreases Pitcher’s Control and increases Pitcher’s Stamina consumption.
「伝説のサヨナラ男」(Legendary Walk-off Man)
If you are in a walk-off situation (home team takes the lead during the ninth or later innings), and a runner is in Scoring Position (second or third base), Contact and Power increases dramatically.
When you are on base, the pitcher’s Stamina consumption increases and the opponent fielders’ Defense decreases. If there are more runners on base, the Pitcher’s Control and break (amount of change in direction in their pitches) decreases.
「内角必打」(In-course Slugger)
When hitting an inside pitch, the ball’s speed will increase dramatically.
「バズーカ送球」(Bazooka Throw)
Catcher only. When the opponent is stealing a base, your throw is thrown at a very low trajectory.
「引っ張り屋」(Pull Hitting)
When pulling while power-hitting, the ball will fly very far.
Their defense is magical. Increases throwing speed, movement speed, and prevents double-plays.
「メッタ打ち」(Hitting Barrage)
If you hit more than 2 balls, your Contact and Power increases dramatically for your next hit.
「ロケットスタート」(Rocket Start)
Your speed when running to first base increases dramatically.
「ヒートアップ」(Heat Up)
As the strike count increases, the batting ability drastically increases.
If you were held back (debuffed?) when you were previously batting, the next time you bat, your batting ability will drastically increase.
「渾身の決勝打」(Almighty Hit)
If after the 6th inning, there is a runner on third base, batting ability drastically increases.