Leos Team
Eden Village Mameneko High School
Team Info
Total: ☆3727 Average: ☆196.16
Starting Batting Lineup Total: ☆2051 Average: ☆227.89
Last Updated: August 8, 2022
Hyakumantenbara Salome (P) ☆475
Yamino Shu (P) ☆227
Todoroki Kyouko (P) ☆180
Pomu Rainpuff (P) ☆175
Suzuya Aki (P) ☆96
Fumi (P) ☆170
Higuchi Kaede (C) ☆290
Ryushen (C) ☆156
Akira Ray (C) ☆69
Axia Krone (2B) ☆260
Ban Hada (SS) ☆133
Reimu Endou (1B) ☆146
Machita Chima (1B) ☆233
Asuka Hina (1B) ☆89
Emma August (1B) ☆76
Kaida Haru (OF) ☆309
Oliver Evans (OF) ☆289
Elu (OF) ☆175
Ushimi Ichigo (OF) ☆179
Team Details
Current Date: Done
Team Ranking: D
Team Reputation: 「中堅」(Mid-Level)

Starting Batting Lineup
1. Axia Krone (CF) ☆260
2. Oliver Evans (LF) ☆289
3. Higuchi Kaede (C) ☆290
4. Kaida Haru (2B) ☆309
5. Fumi (3B) ☆170
6. Machita Chima (SS) ☆233
7. Elu (RF) ☆175
8. Ushimi Ichigo (DH) ☆179
9. Reimu Endou (1B) ☆146

Hyakumantenbara Salome
Main Position: Pitcher
Pitcher Stats:
「球速」(Kyuusoku = Ball Speed) : 152 km/h
「コントロール」(Control) : B 74
「スタミナ」(Stamina) : S 92
Pitching Proficiency Diagram
Straight: 1
Cut Ball (Right from batter POV): 3
Knuckle-curve (Right from batter POV): 4
Fork: 3
General Pitcher Skills:
「対ピンチ」(In Pinch Situations) : F
「対左打者」(Against Left-handed Batters) : F
「打たれ強さ」(Poise) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「ノビ」(Backspin) : D
「クイック」(Quick) : E
「回復」(Recovery) : D
Personal Skills:
If throwing a fastball or two-seam fastball, the ball looks faster than its actual speed.
When you pitch diagonally from the pitcher’s main hand (i.e. right-handed pitcher throwing an inside pitch to a left-handed batter), the ball appears to be moving faster than it actually is.
「緩急〇」(Slow and Fast)
When throwing a slow changing ball after throwing a fastball (or vice versa), the breaking ball changes slower, and the fastball becomes faster.
「内角攻め」(Inside Attack)
When pitching inside, you get bonuses to ball strength.
「ナチュラルシュート」(Natural Shoots)
Straight pitches can turn into shoots (a different type of pitch).
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Shu Yamino
Main Position: Pitcher
Pitcher Stats:
「球速」(Kyuusoku = Ball Speed) : 134 km/h
「コントロール」(Control) : C 60
「スタミナ」(Stamina) : C 60
Pitching Proficiency Diagram
Straight: 1
Sinking 2-seam (Left from batter POV): 3
Circle Change (Left from batter POV): 4
General Pitcher Skills:
「対ピンチ」(In Pinch Situations) : E
「対左打者」(Against Left-handed Batters) : E
「打たれ強さ」(Poise) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「ノビ」(Backspin) : D
「クイック」(Quick) : E
「回復」(Recovery) : C
Personal Skills:
「重い球」(Heavy Ball)
The “weight” of the pitch increases, making it harder to hit a fly/homerun.
「打球反応〇」(Quick Reaction)
After pitching, you can field the ball quicker. Response time improves.
「立ち上がり◯」(Early Starter)
Your pitching ability improves during the beginning of the game.
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Todoroki Kyouko
Main Position: Pitcher
Pitcher Stats:
「球速」(Kyuusoku = Ball Speed) : 124 km/h
「コントロール」(Control) : D 50
「スタミナ」(Stamina) : C 65
Pitching Proficiency Diagram
Straight: 1
Curve (Right from batter POV): 3
Split-finger Fastball : 3
General Pitcher Skills:
「対ピンチ」(In Pinch Situations) : E
「対左打者」(Against Left-handed Batters) : B
「打たれ強さ」(Poise) : E
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : E
「ノビ」(Backspin) : E
「クイック」(Quick) : C
「回復」(Recovery) : C
Personal Skills:
「回またぎ◯」(Across Innings)
When relief pitching, you tire less across innings.
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Pomu Rainpuff
Main Position: Pitcher
Pitcher Stats:
「球速」(Kyuusoku = Ball Speed) : 128 km/h
「コントロール」(Control) : E 47
「スタミナ」(Stamina) : D 58
Pitching Proficiency Diagram
Straight: 1
Screw (Right from batter POV): 3
Knuckle Curve (Left from batter POV): 3
General Pitcher Skills:
「対ピンチ」(In Pinch Situations) : C
「対左打者」(Against Left-handed Batters) : D
「打たれ強さ」(Poise) : E
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : C
「ノビ」(Backspin) : C
「クイック」(Quick) : E
「回復」(Recovery) : D
Personal Skills:
「尻上がり」(Strong Finisher)
If you are a Starter pitcher, during the 7th and 8th inning, Ball Speed, Control, and break (directional change) increase. During the 9th inning or more, they increase even further.
(LH Thrower/LH Batter)

Suzuya Aki
Main Position: Pitcher
Pitcher Stats:
「球速」(Kyuusoku = Ball Speed) : 141 km/h
「コントロール」(Control) : G 13
「スタミナ」(Stamina) : G 18
Pitching Proficiency Diagram
Straight: 1
Cutball (Left from batter POV): 3
General Pitcher Skills:
「対ピンチ」(In Pinch Situations) : E
「対左打者」(Against Left-handed Batters) : D
「打たれ強さ」(Poise) : E
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : C
「ノビ」(Backspin) : D
「クイック」(Quick) : C
「回復」(Recovery) : C
(LH Thrower/LH Batter)

Main Position: Pitcher Sub Position: 3rd Baseman
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 2
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : D 55
「パワー」(Power) : D 52
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : E 40
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : C 65
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : F 38
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : F 26
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : B
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : E
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : D
「走塁」(Base Running) : D
「送球」(Throwing) : E
「回復」(Recovery) : C
(LH Thrower/LH Batter)

Higuchi Kaede
Main Position: Catcher
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 3
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : B 72
「パワー」(Power) : C 67
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : B 70
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : F 26
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : F 33
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : E 46
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : E
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : C
「キャッチャー」(Catcher) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : E
「走塁」(Base Running) : C
「送球」(Throwing) : D
「回復」(Recovery) : D
Personal Skills:
「アベレージヒッター」(Average Hitter)
Makes it easier to hit the ball when using a contact swing.
「流し打ち」(Opposite Field Hitter)
When hitting to the opposite side of the field, it is less likely to be a foul.
「内野安打〇」(In-field Hitter)
Your running speed increases from when you hit the ball until you reach first base.
(RH Thrower/Switch Hitter)

Main Position: Catcher Sub Position: 3rd and 2nd Baseman
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 2
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : F 30
「パワー」(Power) : F 29
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : C 62
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : F 25
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : D 52
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : F 33
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : C
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : C
「キャッチャー」(Catcher) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : E
「走塁」(Base Running) : C
「送球」(Throwing) : D
「回復」(Recovery) : C
Personal Skills:
「対エース〇」(Versus Ace)
When facing an ace-class pitcher, your Contact and Power increases.
「アウトコースヒッター」(Out-course Hitter)
When hitting an outside pitch, the ball’s velocity increases.
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Akira Ray
Main Position: Catcher Sub Position: Outfielder
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 1
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : G 18
「パワー」(Power) : E 40
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : G 16
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : F 34
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : F 29
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : F 28
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : C
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : D
「キャッチャー」(Catcher) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : E
「走塁」(Base Running) : E
「送球」(Throwing) : E
「回復」(Recovery) : C
(RH Thrower/LH Batter)

Axia Krone
Main Position: 2nd Baseman Sub Position: Outfielder
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 3
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : C 69
「パワー」(Power) : D 52
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : B 70
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : F 24
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : E 47
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : E 43
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : E
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : C
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : C
「走塁」(Base Running) : C
「送球」(Throwing) : E
「回復」(Recovery) : D
Personal Skills:
「流し打ち」(Opposite Field Hitter)
When hitting to the opposite side of the field, it is less likely to be a foul.
「決勝打」(Game-winning Hit)
If after the 6th inning, there is a runner on third base, batting ability increases.
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Ban Hada
Main Position: Shortstop
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 2
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : F 23
「パワー」(Power) : F 31
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : C 65
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : F 24
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : D 54
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : F 25
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : D
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : E
「走塁」(Base Running) : E
「送球」(Throwing) : D
「回復」(Recovery) : E
Personal Skills:
「ハイボールヒッター」(Highball Hitter)
When you hit a high ball, the ball’s velocity will increase.
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Reimu Endou
Main Position: 1st Baseman Sub Position: Shortstop
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 2
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : F 34
「パワー」(Power) : F 25
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : C 61
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : E 41
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : C 61
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : F 27
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : E
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : C
「走塁」(Base Running) : E
「送球」(Throwing) : D
「回復」(Recovery) : D
Personal Skills:
「選球眼」(Batting Eye)
More easily identifies strikes and balls.
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Machita Chima
Main Position: Shortstop
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 3
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : E 48
「パワー」(Power) : D 51
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : D 57
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : E 45
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : E 46
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : D 50
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : C
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : C
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : C
「走塁」(Base Running) : D
「送球」(Throwing) : D
「回復」(Recovery) : C
Personal Skills:
「固め打ち」(Reinforced Hitting)
If you hit 2 or more times, your Contact and Power increases for the next hit.
「チャンスメーカー」(Chance Maker)
When there are no runners on base, your Contact and Power increases.
(RH Thrower/LH Batter)

Asuka Hina
Main Position: 2nd Baseman Sub Position: Shortstop
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 1
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : F 22
「パワー」(Power) : E 44
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : G 12
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : E 41
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : F 39
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : G 17
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : E
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : E
「走塁」(Base Running) : E
「送球」(Throwing) : E
「回復」(Recovery) : C
Personal Skills:
「初球〇」(First Ball)
Your Contact and Power increases before you get 1 strike.
「カット打ち」(Cut Hitter)
If you have 2 strikes, it is easier to get foul balls.
(RH Thrower/LH Batter)

Emma August
Main Position: 3rd Baseman
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 1
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : G 17
「パワー」(Power) : F 31
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : D 54
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : G 11
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : G 19
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : F 35
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : C
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : E
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : D
「走塁」(Base Running) : E
「送球」(Throwing) : D
「回復」(Recovery) : D
Personal Skills:
If you were held back (debuffed?) when you were previously batting, the next time you bat, your batting ability will increase.
「ムード×」(Mood X)
If there is more Mood X than Mood O on the team, the Contact and Power of the whole team decreases.
「調子極端」(Extreme Condition)
They are affected more by their condition.
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Kaida Haru
Main Position: Outfielder Sub Position: 2nd Baseman
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 3
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : B 79
「パワー」(Power) : D 56
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : B 71
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : E 40
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : D 54
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : D 51
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : B
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : E
「走塁」(Base Running) : F
「送球」(Throwing) : C
「回復」(Recovery) : E
Personal Skills:
「粘り打ち」(Persistent Hitter)
If you are at two strikes, your Contact increases.
「カット打ち」(Cut Hitter)
If you have 2 strikes, it is easier to get foul balls.
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Oliver Evans
Main Position: Outfielder
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 4
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : B 70
「パワー」(Power) : C 65
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : C 61
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : E 40
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : F 26
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : D 50
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : C
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : E
「走塁」(Base Running) : E
「送球」(Throwing) : D
「回復」(Recovery) : C
Personal Skills:
「威圧感」(Intimidation - Fielder ver.)
Decreases the opponent pitcher's ball speed and control while also increasing their stamina consumption. It also applies to the person who bats before this player although to a lesser extent.
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Main Position: Outfielder Sub Position: Catcher
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 3
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : D 53
「パワー」(Power) : F 26
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : C 65
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : F 29
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : E 48
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : F 25
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : E
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : E
「キャッチャー」(Catcher) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : B
「走塁」(Base Running) : E
「送球」(Throwing) : D
「回復」(Recovery) : D
Personal Skills:
「対ストレート◯」 (Versus Straights)
Strong against straight pitches (not including special straights such as the two-seam).
(RH Thrower/RH Batter)

Ushimi Ichigo
Main Position: Outfielder
Fielder Stats
「弾道」(Dandou = Trajectory) : 2
「ミート」(Meet = Contact) : D 51
「パワー」(Power) : D 52
「走力」(Souryoku = Speed/Running Strength) : C 61
「肩力」(Kataryoku = Shoulder strength) : F 33
「守備力」(Shubiryoku = Defense) : F 29
「捕球」(Hokyuu = Catch) : E 45
General Fielder Traits
「チャンス」(Chance) : D
「対左投手」(Against Left-handed Pitchers) : D
「ケガしにくさ」(Injury Resistance) : D
「盗塁」(Base Stealing) : E
「走塁」(Base Running) : E
「送球」(Throwing) : C
「回復」(Recovery) : C
Personal Skills:
When bunting, the ball’s velocity decreases and it is easier for the ball to be grounded.